Business Cases

Business Cases

Discover the top business applications for the AI secretary. We offer unparalleled efficiency.

For your Business Cards

AI number will support your business efficiency.
AI Secretary will response when you are
busy or on holiday and keep all the records.

During the parking

When you park your car,
just leave the AI number so we can assist.

Dual Number

You can have a dual number.
One for your family and friends.
The other for your business with AI Secretary.

Office Number

We assist even inbound call to your office number.
When you are out of the office,
AI will record and connect you.

Business Cases for Professional


  • Golf Instructor
    I used to miss calls during golf lessons since I couldn't answer them around clients. Now, the AI takes my calls, gives advice, and takes notes for me. I can easily check urgent messages on the app, which is very handy.
  • Hair Salon Owner
    I manage my salon by myself and often missed calls when busy with hair dyeing or perms. Now, AI-ME handles calls and books appointments for me.
  • Restaurant owner
    Customers often call our restaurant to check for parking. The AI handles these calls now, freeing me up to focus on my cook. Plus, I can update the AI's greeting to share our latest deals, which helps with marketing.
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